John 13: 34-35 (NLT)
God's Direction to the Right Path
Find your Ananias.
Luke 3:5 (KJV, The Message)
Acts 9:1-19 (NKJV)
Satan's Strength 16 Deadly D's "Deceit"
Psalms 36:1-3 (NIV)
Romans 16:18 (KJV, AMP, The Message)
2 Timothy 3:6 (NIV, The Message)
Ephesians 5:6 (NIV)
1 Peter 3:10 (NIV)
1 Peter 2:1-3 (The Passion)
1 Peter 2:21-22 (NIV)
Psalms 32:2 (Voice)
Psalms 120:2 (NIV)
Satan's Strength 16 Deadly D's "Deadness"
Ecclesiates 11:1 (AMP)
Exodus 20:16 (AMP)
Leviticus 19:16-18 (The Message)
James 4:11-12 (The Voice)
Proverbs 10:18-21 (KJV)
Galatians 6:1-2 (NIV)
Satan's Strength 16 Deadly D's: "Deadness"
John 10:10 (KJV)
John 14:6 (KJV)
Roman 8:5-9 (The Passion)
Revelation 3:1-3 (KJV, The Message)
Satan's Strength 16 Deadly D's: "Disobedience"
Ephesians 2: 1-10 (NIV)