Reverend Trevor Nared uses the story of the Christmas to examine how God stays with us during troubling times.
Scriptures used:
Luke 1:28 (NIV)
Psalm 42:3 (NIV)
Psalm 30:5 (NIV)
Reverend Trevor Nared uses the story of the Christmas to examine how God stays with us during troubling times.
Scriptures used:
Luke 1:28 (NIV)
Psalm 42:3 (NIV)
Psalm 30:5 (NIV)
Reverend Trevor Nared showcases Paul's desire to go to a Rome and the trials he faced, the reassurance God provided, and how it prepared him for that moment when the timing was right.
Scriptures used:
Romans 1:8-15 (NIV)
Acts 27-28 (NIV)
Reverend Trevor Nared examines how God works throughout human history to bring about Jesus Christ's birth and to recognize the work that He continues to do in your life.
Scriptures used: